* This is an automated form to generate an approximate size! You can most accurately determine which size corresponds most fully to your car, after making a control measurement of the length of the car, etc. working (control) size of the length, but not on the side, but through the roof of the car, ie. you start to measure from the bottom of the front bumper and headlights, through the front cover, windshield, roof, rear window, trunk and stops, to the bottom of the rear bumper (see photo for more information).
* It is advisable to make such a measurement as each car has its own specific shapes. Of course, a cover does not have fit exactly on the car, as this would make it difficult to put on. The ideal option is for the control size of the cover to be 12-20 in (30-50) cm longer than the control size of the pickup truck. This is a standard advance that you should keep in mind before making your choice.